* Tilvalg - "SMMSSS - Sounds in Materials, Materials in Systems, Systems in Sound"

Underviser: Claus Haxholm

Deltagere: 9

Type: Workshop

Sprog: Engelsk

Sted: Struer

SP: 2


24. Marts

Kl. 10:00 - 16:00

25. Marts

Kl. 10:00 - 16:00

26. Marts

Kl. 10:00 - 16:00

27. Marts

Kl. 10:00 - 16:00

28. Marts

Kl. 10:00 - 16:00

In this weeklong workshop at Sound Art Lab in Struer we will work with different kinds of materials that generate different sounds and resonances. These materials can be activated in several ways, one of them via Arduino programming.

So the workshop deals with "physical" sounds, sounds that are primarily heard through other sources than a speaker. We will work with small motors, assorted materials as well as transducers. The workshop will primarily focus on process, experiments that tie in with your personal artistic pracsis, so therefore there won't be an end exhibition/showing. But potentially there could be smaller presentations for each other if students feel for it. Also; Theres a chance/possibility of showing a finished version of what you have worked on at Struer Tracks later in the year. There will also be smaller excursions to different sound related spaces during the week.

Knowledge of audio software and basic sound technology and theory is an advantage but not mandatory.


Nolan Lem
Nolan Lem is an artist and researcher whose work navigates the intersections of sound, motion, and collective interaction. Drawing from a wide array of materials, devices, and cultural objects, his practice creates sensory environments that emerge from networks of sonic machinery. Lem’s work has been featured internationally at venues such as the Museum of Modern Art Buenos Aires, Pioneer Works, L’HOSTE Art Contemporain, and the Danish National Museum of Music.

Lem holds an MFA from Columbia University, where he studied at the Computer Music Center, and a PhD from Stanford University’s Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA). His ongoing research and creative projects explore the convergence of technology, sound, and systems thinking in contemporary art.

Claus Haxholm
Claus Haxholm graduated from The Royal Danish Academy of Arts in 2014. Besides working and teaching as an artist he also makes music.
He has primarily shown art in Denmark but performed world wide and has been a vital part of the Copenhagen experimental music scene for decades.

Jacob Eriksen
Jacob Eriksen is a musicologist, sound studies scholar, artist and curator. He received his B.A. in musicology, philosophy, and literature from the University of Copenhagen and York University and his M.A. in Sound Studies from Berlin University of the Arts (UdK). He has conducted courses in cultural studies, sound studies and artistic research at the Humboldt University of Berlin, RMC in Copenhagen, University of Copenhagen, The New Centre for Research & Practice, and Berlin University of the Arts. Since 2018 he has been faculty at the M.A. programme Sound Studies and Sonic Arts at Berlin University of the Arts.

Monday, March 24
Tuesday, March 25
Wednesday, March 26
Thursday, March 27
Friday, March 28

10-16 each day

OBS: Struer Sound Art Lab will be providing a place to sleep (quite a big apartment), but be aware that you will sleep together in pairs, depending on how many attending from here, it might be a trio-form.

Any Questions? Please write/ask Claus :)